iPositive Energy

Accept, Love and Live Life Energy.

Reality Omnipresent

The apparent incompatibility between certain experiences of the human mind, which has often led to directly contradictory conclusions with regard to the ultimate Reality, is principally due to an error of the mind itself. Accustomed to think in terms of division and distinction, the human mind is hard put to it when confronted with two seemingly opposite experiences and called upon to reconcile them. And, failing to find the true reconciliation, it has attempted some sort of compromise and often Unity has been sought by reducing everything to the terms of the One. But compromise is no solution - it is ___ reconciliation. The latter can be best arrived at through the utmost possible unification of Spirit and Health, by finding out the intrinsic significance of both and not by accepting the one and rejecting the other as mutually exclusive entities.

It is by self-enlarging, by going deep within and expanding the Consciousness further till the Mind attains to the cosmic consciousness, that we can expect to find the Truth. And in the Light of the new illumination, Mind understands the import and realizes The Truth of Unity and the Truth of Multiplicity, understands the proper functions of Mind and Life in the scheme of creation. It is here in this start of changed [?] consciousness that the Mind experiences [ ? ] the Divine harmony amid the apparent discord that distress humanity. It is at this level of consciousness that Matter reveals itself as the figure and body of the Spirit and Spirit reveals to self as the essence of Matter.

The spiritual experience of the ascetic of the Silent Self is his abinding justification for denying the reality of creation. In the light of his discussive reasoning the two, namely, Silence and the Word, inactivity, and activity, appear to be mutually exclusive truths and cannot, as such, be predicated ___. If Silence is the Truth, cosmic ___

The above conception, however, is extremely misleading and is born out of the limitations of the human mind accustomed to sharp oppositions of affirmation and denial and incapable of rising up to an onfficiently comprehensive consciousness which will hold the apparent opposition in a simultaneous embrace. The Truth of ths Silence will not reject the Cosmic activity, on the contrary, it is the Silence that holds in its depth, the infinite potentialities of manifestation and from which wells out eternally, the Word, that creates the world. The Word, does no more than bring out what was self-hidden in Silence.

It has been said in the scriptures, "Out of no [?] being, Being appeared." ___ understanding it would seem at first sight to be a contribution in terms! How can anything, it will argue, come out of Non-being? But this puzzle vanishes as soon as the proper import of Non-Being is realized. Non-being is not the absolute non-existence or the negation of Being, on the contrary, it is something beyond positive conception and contains in itself the potentialities of infinite manifestation. It is not a blank, a nothingness, so to say, but the free base of all cosmic existence, it is termed Non-Being to contrary [?] of its freedom from all cosmic existence in terms of [u]actual existence[/u]. It is not limited by any particular manifestation or any manifestation whatever, yet it is the source and support of all that has become and all that has yet to manifest in multi-indinous forms.

Thus, Silce and the Word, Non-being and Being are not mutually exclusive truths, they are two aspects of one Reality; one is the basis and support of the other and sustains it. If we do a bit of introspection, we do find that is Word calm helfs a good deal in carrying out outward activities, efficiently. It is flurry, and nervousness inside that mars most human endeavors. It is perfect calm within oneself that alone can support the exhaustible activity outside and is point of fact - they are the two phases of one surface - Consciousness, the static and the dynamic, the former is the basis and support of the latter.

Hence we see that the limitatation we impose on Brahman are due to the inherent incapability of the human mind which concentrates on one aspect of the Reality and devices or disaparages the other which, to his separative intellect, seems to contradict.

Human Aspiration and the Two negations - II

The materialist failed to perceive the Reality behind the appearances, the enduring truth behind the fleeting phenomenal existence which is in fact its support and justification. Even in this search for the ultimate truth within the confines of physical existence, the materialist had glimpses of supraphysical realities but they were scouted as unreliable evidence for the acceptance of any supraphysical truth beyond the material organization of consciousness. He failed to perceive that the worlds beyond exist and exercise their influence on our physical existence ___ physical body; the materialist ___ to perceive that consciousness the essential truth of existence and that there is one truth, one reality, which is gradually manifesting itself through the bewildering variety of world existence.

It is only by an extension of our consciousness that we can find the clue to the solution of these apparently contradictory conclusions. And this extension must be an inner enlargement from the individual to the cosmic consciousness. We have to start the search inside, find our real self as the center of human individualisation, the real Person, and by ___ consciouness from ___ into the cosmic existence. And likewise we may enter into the world-transcending consciousness, exceeding all creations, Beyond which seems to be the ultimate Truth of all existences, their basis and support, the One without a second, the only Reality.

When the mind passes into the Transcendence, suddenly without intermediate transitions, it is overwhelmed with a sense of unreality of the world, the sole reality of the transcendent Silence and thus becomes one of the most powerful and convincing experiences of which the human mind is capable. And the world-negating conviction of the ascetic is born out of this experience of the Pure Silence leaving [?] Non-being behind it and it is second Negation more [?] perilous and devastating in its effects on the individual that hears its potent call to the Wilderness.

The Refusal of the Ascetic ... "It is this revolt of Spirit against Matter", says Sri Aurobindo, "that for two hundred years, since Buddha, disturbed the balance of the old Aryan world, has dominated increasingly the Indian mind."

For centuries n centuries, saints, teachers, and persons whose names are sacred to Indian memory have answered to this distance appeal, coz renunciation is sole birth of knowledge, acceptance of physical life ___ - the call of the Spirit, ___

But Truth has to be sought in a larger and complete affirmation. The Vedantic formula 'One without a Second' has to be read in the light of the other Truth, namely, "All this is is Brahman." The same nyasin has not grasped the Reality in its full extent and comprehensiveness as the ancient Vedantins had done. Yet, like Materialism, Asceticism has rendered immense service to life and the contribution of both towards finding out the final harmony is considreable.

Human Aspiration and the Two negations - I

All problems of existence are essentially problems of harmony, says Sri Aurobindo. And the quest for harmony in the midst of all the discords of life has been the burden of Man's search.

1. The Materialist Denial: The ordinary material intellect refused to consider validity of anything that exceeded the limits of sense - experience or could not be woven by the mind out of the materials brought in by the senses. It took the physical senses to be the sole means of knowledge, and dealth only with the facts which they provided. ___ ...

2. The Refusal of the Ascetic: In the other extreme pure ___ ... insisted upon as the only Reality. Baffled in his efforts to find connecting like between the bondage of Matter and the freedom of Spirit, between the pain and suffering of distressed humanity and the eternal Ananda of the Divine, and enamored [ ? ] of the Beyond, he accepted the [ super ] - physical as the only reality and looked upon this life as a mere dream devoid of any enduring substance.

Both these divergent channels of thought tried to solve the problem by denying it. ____

The denial of the materialist, although more insistent and immediately successful, is yet less enduring than the absorbing and perilous refusal of the Ascetic. *For* "it carries within itself its own cure", says Sri Aurobindo. The refusal as the part of the materialist to investigate or consider supra-physical phenomena, except as a subordinate activity of material forces could only last for a brief period. The complacence of rationalistic materialism in accepting Matter as the only reality could only be short-lived.

In his attempt to reduce everything to the terms of matter, the materialist found it difficult even to explain the relationship between Mind and Matter, apparently two radically different [ points ? ] was asserted by a certain ___ ... the "Mind is an epiphenomena of Matter at a certain stage of its complexity"; thereafter solution was sought in the assertion that "Mind is no more mental than Matter is material." For the further he proceeded, the more difficult it became for the materialist to explain things in terms of matter. Even, the conception of Matter - Matter which was once taken to be an object of certain knowledge and directly seizable by the senses, became more and more confused and modern science has stumbled upon the fact that it is only certain properties of Matter, and not Matter in itself, that one seizes ... [ using ? ] the senses; may, the ___ ... like the symbol of ___ ... which is not presented to the senses. This led to a kind of agnosticism and it is remarkable what extent some of the advanced schools of scientific investigation confirm in the domain of Matter the conceptions and even the formulae of language which were formed in the Vedanta. The researches of science are leading towards a Honism which looks perilously akin to the Vedic idea of one essence with its many becomings [?]. Matter has been found to be itself a formulation of some unknown force.

The materialist would have us believe that life is transitory [ ? ] and haset [ ? ] with all sorts of ___ ... difficulties, and, as such, all ___ ... endeavors should be erected [ ? ] in reaching whatever fleeting pleasures he can from a transient existence, or, lean towards a dispassionate or selfless service of the race and the individual.

"Materialism like spiritual Monism [ ? ] arrives at a Maya that is and yet is not" - that is to say, the world exists at the present moment and this experience is real and compelling, but is is phenomenal and transitory and, as such, it has no enduring reality.

At the other extreme, the ascetic firmly convinced of the unreality of the objective world, treats the individual ego and all the phenomenal world  of ___  believe, that the only rationale behind the meaningless tangle of life / existence [ ? ] ... is by pulling out of this brief taper of human life and a return to the Non-Being or the relationless Absolute.

...to be continued...